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Learn how to become a Solution Architect

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Solution Architect 1

25+ Years Developer and Architect Experience

Private and public sector. Banking, government, pharmaceuticals, education, energy. I’ve a wealth of experience in all areas of the solution design process.



Bill Lunney


Solution Architect

I’m Bill Lunney creator of Solution Architecture 101. I’ve been working as a consultant developer and solution architect since around 1997. Around 15 years ago the term ‘architect’ didn’t exist. Typically we were senior experienced developers entrusted with producing something that both met the requirement and did so in a way that was in keeping with the organisational IT standards & strategy. However mature or otherwise!

Fast forward 25 years and the architecture discipline, in all it’s flavours, is both mature and well recognised as a near necessity for all application design endeavours of any significant complexity. Nobody would build a house without a blueprint and the same is true for software design.

Got a project that needs Solution Architecture input?